„Stylowa” Restaurant, as one of the first on the bialopodlaskie area, has started the production of fresh goods for the needs of its own RETAIL SHOP. For many years it has been famous from a wide offer of dumplings (the larges assortment in the city), salads, and other goods made in „Stylowa”. Shop also offers delicious cakes, pastries and fantastic occasional layer cakes, with possibility to deliver at a chosen place (in case of the order containing larger quantity of cakes or wedding layer cake). Goods are produced directly in “Stylowa” restaurant or in The Baking and Confectioner’s Plant. In our retail shop we also sell other goods by PSS „SPOÅEM”. Among all there is an excellent bread made in The Baking and Confectioner’s Plant as well as herring and other fish products produced in Fish Manufacturing Plant.